Webinar Recording – Presentation Slides Discount

Title – Uncovering the real impact of variability in the construction industry
The Last Planner System was developed to provide more reliable workflow in order to promote confidence in planning and preparation, which is known to impact performance. Reliable workflow is measured in Percent Plan Complete and the metric is understood to measure the health of the project planning and control system and project performance only indirectly. In practice, too often PPC is used to beat people up for not keeping their commitments. For that purpose, tracking averages per week, month or quarter is sufficient. However, both that use of PPC and the way it is tracked conceals opportunity for improvement. PPC should be used to spur learning. Tracking PPC variation along with averages enforces the importance of attacking causes of variation. This paper provides a way to teach users of the Last Planner System how PPC variation negatively impacts projects.